It's Kelly's turn to get married this summer, so we're all heading back to the Quad Cities for her bridal shower and bachelorette party Saturday.
I can't wait to catch up with these girls and see what they've been up to. When you have sleepovers with the same group every night for four years, you create a different kind of friendship that only roommates know, and ours was awesome.
Of course, baking played a big part in our bond. The first two years were a struggle without a kitchen, but we got our sweets in where we could:
by ordering cakes on random Tuesday nights from Cold Stone Creamery,
I wonder where the freshman 15 came from. |
by downing milkshakes while watching Friends,

and by dipping everything in chocolate.

And when we were really desperate...

Finally, I got a job at a cookie factory so that we could all have sweets on a daily basis. My roommates would put in their orders before I left for my shift. I'd come home with boxes of cookies and sometimes random cookie cakes like this one:
Junior year, we finally had an oven. We celebrated the first day of classes with freshly baked cinnamon rolls instead of the usual cereal or pop tart. That was a great day!
We made pans of brownies or funfetti cupcakes almost every week because they were simple and fast. And they never lasted long in our dorm.
Now we get to see each other again for the first time in almost a year for Kelly's big bachelorette party...
...and I made a surprise cake! For my partner in crime through college, this is going to be one heck of a party, and one heck of a cake.
How did you get your sugar fix or baking fix in college? Leave a comment :)