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Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy birthday, Maddie!

Kyle's sister Maddie turns eleven today!

Do you remember what eleven was like? I will always remember it as the worst birthday I ever had. It was the summer between grade school and junior high, as Maddie's is now, and there were girls and there was drama. It didn't end well.

I don't think Maddie will have those problems this birthday, but just in case, I made sure she has plenty of cupcakes to make it through anything.

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 I asked Maddie what her favorite cupcakes were last week on my birthday. However, I had accidentally consumed alcoholic beverages before this conversation (don't judge, it was my birthday) and didn't quite remember what her answer was. At the last minute, I remembered "CREAM CHEESE FROSTING!"

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 Maddie is girly, but not to the extreme like I am. So I balanced a little girlyness with coolness.
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If I had known when I was eleven that cupcakes would get me through life, I wouldn't have asked for a Dairy Queen birthday cake.


I'm so glad she has a sweet tooth like me. Happy birthday, Maddie!

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