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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oreo Puppy Chow

The Barichello's came to visit this past weekend, giving me yet another excuse to bake a whole bunch of stuff. Puppy chow is my version of having chips and dip at a party; you can pass it around in a bowl, get a good crunchy fix, but, the best part, it is sweet and chocolatey, unlike chips and dip.

It was my first time making puppy chow, and I can't believe how easy it was. It's something you can mix up in just fifteen minutes or so. It would be perfect for bringing along on a road trip, to a pot luck, or for your kids' sleepovers.

And when it looks as yummy and sinful as this, how can you resist?

I've come across a ton of puppy chow recipes, and it's basic enough that you can play around with it. Oreos have always been a favorite of mine.

There's chocolate and white chocolate in here, which makes the otherwise plain Chex cereal taste sweet and incredible. Add in the crushed Oreos and you're in puppy chow heaven. The powdery crunch of cookies and cream is so delicious, it's impossible not to go back for more.

The Barichello's loved it and so did we. I sent a ton of it home with them because the bowl seemed to keep calling my name. I hate when that happens!

Like I said, puppy chow is incredibly easy to make, and it's fun to be creative with it. What versions have you tried?

Oreo Puppy Chow

  • 5c. plain Chex cereal
  • 5oz. milk chocolate
  • 5oz. white chocolate
  • 1/2c. powdered sugar
  • 8 to 10 Oreos, more for garnishing
  1. Place five Oreos in one gallon-size Ziploc bag and five Oreos in another. Crush both bags of Oreos, either with a rolling pin or with your hand, getting any frustration out.
  2. Separate the cereal into two bowls. 
  3. Melt chocolate and white chocolate in separate bowls at 30-second intervals. Once melted, pour milk chocolate over cereal in one bowl and white chocolate over the other bowl of cereal. Mix each bowl thoroughly. 
  4. Add each bowl of chocolatey cereal into the separate bags with Oreos. Add 1/4c. powdered sugar to each bag, and shake bags around until the cereal and Oreos are mixed together and covered with powdered sugar. 
  5. Add both bags to a large serving bowl. Add extra crushed Oreos for more decoration. Enjoy!

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