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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Recipe Review: Neopolitan cupcakes

Tomorrow is the first day of summer! Which means it is the perfect time to be adding ice cream to our cupcakes.

There is one dish I might love more than the sacred cupcake, and that, as many know, is ice cream. In my ideal version of life, I would have ice cream after every meal. Or as every meal. Unfortunately my hips don't agree with that lifestyle, so I usually stick with one small bowl after dinner.
If I'm going to really indulge, I go for this two-for-one dessert: Neopolitan cupcakes. You have the idea of ice cream stuffed into a delicious little cake, and actual ice cream mixed in the frosting. It's the best of both sugary worlds! You also get three delicious flavors, vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate, to make a colorful and yummy cupcake.

If you're looking to wow people but can't put in the extra time and effort of making something from scratch, this recipe is the winner. Just separate your white cake batter into three bowls and add strawberry preserves to one and cocoa powder and melted chocolate chips to the other. It takes a little monotonous time spooning each layer into each cupcake tin, but it's nothing that can really be screwed up. (Catch up on your TV shows while doing this.) It just looks so pretty that it's worth the extra time. 

And if you really don't have the time, that's what I'm here for!

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It's fun to bite into this cupcake and get three classic flavors. The frosting recipe here is whipped and sweet. In hindsight, I wish I would have used real ice cream instead of whipping cream. I have way too much whipping cream at my house, (don't ask why,) that I'm trying to use up. It tastes creamy and pairs well with these cupcakes, but using ice cream certainly intrigues me. Challenge for next time.

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