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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Easy Peanut Butter Frosting

I know, I know... why make homemade frosting when it comes so perfectly in a can?

Three reasons:

  1. Homemade is fresh, so on some level it MUST be healthier.
  2. You can make three times the amount in the can for the nearly the same price.
  3. Doing things homemade is way more princess-like.
I cheated this week and made brownies from the box, (the roads were covered in snow and it was all I had in the cupboard, cut me some slack). They were Duncan Hines peanut butter brownies, with oversized peanut butter chips blended right in the mix. The brownies on their own would have been great, but it was New Year's Eve. Brownies like to dress up too.

Hence, Easy Peanut Butter Frosting. 

Make sure you let a stick of butter soften for a few hours. You do not want to melt it in the microwave; that gives the frosting a weird bumpy texture. The butter has to soften naturally to maintain a thick and creamy frosting.

Whip the butter in a mixer, and add about 3/4c. smooth peanut butter. Add two cups of powdered sugar, more as needed to thicken it. Add a tablespoon or two of milk, as needed. You can throw a teaspoon of vanilla in, but I didn't have any (due to my abundance of Christmas baking), and it tasted just as great.

This frosting on top of a peanut butter chocolate brownie was the ultimate combination. If you're embarrassed about using a box mix, top it off with some homemade frosting. People are so entranced by it that they don't even ask about the mediocre brownie underneath. 

Peanut butter is a good flavor frosting for just about anything, and it's so simple to whip together. But be warned: it is irresistible :)

Happy New Year indeed!

Easy Peanut Butter Frosting
makes about 2 cups

  • 1/2c. butter (1 stick), softened
  • 1/2c. peanut butter
  • 2c. powdered sugar
  • 1t. vanilla
Whip the butter until creamy. Add peanut butter and whip until blended. Add powdered sugar, enough to get it to a thick consistency. Add vanilla. Try not to eat it all before you put it on the brownies.

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